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A new issue of the magazine "Likovni život" with an article about my exhibition "(Non) fitting vehicles" just came out.

Zorica Nikić International exhibition Majdanpek 2023.

Izložba "The Dali's Dream" u muzeju "The Dali Museum", St Petersburg Florida.
On the website of the Dali Museum, you can still view the exhibition, in which I participate with my work "Everlasting love", on the subject of Dreams.

My project "The importance of industrial heritage for sustainable development" in Pečat magazine, the author of the text is M. Milosavljević.

"Omaž Magritu - slike i instalacije" (izložba)
Izložba" Značaj industrijskog nasleđa za održivi razvoj" u okviru manifestacije "Dani Evropske Baštine 2022". godine
Povodom Međunarodnog dana mira Izložba "Imagining Peace 2022. god."

My project "Industrial Heritage of Zemun" in the magazine "Likovni život",