Zorica Nikić je rođena u Frankfurtu, živi i radi u Beogradu. Svoje umetničko obrazovanje započela je na Višoj školi likovnih i primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu. Nakon toga završava i studije konzervacije –restauracije na Akademiji SPC. Zatim, stiče diplomu Master konzervator i restaurator na FPU u Beogradu. Nakon završenih master studija stiče diplomu Doktor umetnosti na FPU u Beogradu. Dobitnica je stipendije za mlade talente, dve nagrade Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti i Prolećne nagrade Udruženja likovnih umetnika Srbije . Članica je više umetničkih i strukovnih udruženja: ULUS, SULUV, ICOM Srbija, Društvo konzervatora Srbije. Autorka je osam samostalnih izložbi i nekoliko predavanja i kreativnih radionica. Sa svojim radovima učestvovala je na preko sto kolektivnih izložbi domaćih i međunarodnih. Među njima se ističu: “Creative resilience art by woman in science” u organizaciji Unesco Pariz, i na Expo Dubai, kao i “Imagining peace” povodom obeležavanja Dana mira, i učešće na “Trieste photo days”. Na osnovu svojih likovnih radova stvara kratke video radove. Bavi se slikarstvom, fotografijom, i restauracijom.
Zorica Nikić was born in Frankfurt, lives and works in Belgrade. She began her artistic education at the Higher School of Fine and Applied Arts in Belgrade. After that, she also completes conservation- restoration studies at the Serbian Orthodox Church Academy. Then, she obtained a Master's degree in conservation and restoration at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade.
After completing hers masters studies, she obtained the title of Doctor of Arts at the Faculty of Applied Arts Belgrade, Serbia. She is the winner of a scholarship for young talents, two awards from the Faculty of Applied Arts and the Spring Award of the Association of Fine Artists of Serbia. She is a member of several artistic and professional associations ULUS, SULUV, ICOM Serbia, Association of Conservators of Serbia. She is the author of eight solo exhibitions and several lectures and creative workshops.
With her works, she participated in over a hundred national and international collective exhibitions. Among them stand out: "Creative resilience art by woman in science" organized by Unesco in Paris, and at Expo Dubai, as well as "Imagining peace" on the occasion of the Peace Day, and participation in "Trieste photo days". Based on her artwork, she creates short video works. She is engaged in painting, photography, restoration.